Wednesday, November 19, 2014

More Books

Hey guys! I am writing after a long time because between weekly tests and Olympiads and homework, I really couldn't find time. And I'll be honest- I couldn't think of much to write either, although that is a lame excuse. So I'm gonna write about recent books I've read.
I've recently read a couple of non-fiction books- namely "The power of half" and a little of "Phantoms in the brain".

Power of half is a book about a regular, well off family like your's or mine, which consists of a mom, a dad, a younger brother and an elder sister. So one day the sister, Hannah, sees a homeless man on the road and they have nothing to give him and this has a deep impact on her as at the same time she sees a guy in a Mercedes next to her. The economic differences disturb her. So she decides she wants to do something big. She's always been a person who does a lot of volunteering and social work but she wants to do more. So she discusses it with her family and they decide to sell their house and move into one half the size and use the profits for a good cause. They come across difficulties like selling the house but stick to what they want to do. They decide to fund the construction of 2 centers in Africa with loan offices, small hospital wings etc. each of which would serve the villages around it. Their profits are around 400,000 dollars or around 2.4 crore rupees. The point of it is that you take half of something you have plenty of and devote it to a good cause. The book is not inspiring but impact full. The main story is told by the father and at the end of each chapter there is a small note by Hannah. These notes were very interesting for me to read as she is probably around my age but the level of understanding and passion she has for helping the impoverished is amazing.

Second book- phantoms in the brain is a neurological book and it left me wishing I could do a neurology course without having to study medical sciences as I prefer physics and chem. I left it after 3-4 chapters because it got very technical but it is basically about people who have arms or legs amputated or broken but they have vivid experiences of the limb still being there though it's not hence the term a "phantom limb". The author explains why these limbs are felt and takes us through the thought process by which he arrived at his conclusions. I found it a very interesting topic and want to know more about it.

I also recently read a fictitious book called Half bad. It's about a world with witches(even guys are called witches). Everyone is either determined a white or black witch when they turn 18 and it is inherent. The white witches are trying to stop black ones who are murderers and exploiters. The book is about this guy who's mom was a white and dad was black-probably the most evil black witch ever. Interesting but the sequel- Half Wild will come out in 2015 so I'm waiting.

I am currently also waiting for the movie for Mockingjay- Part 1 to release in India(28th November). I am a huge Hunger Games fan. That's it for now:)

PS: I'll probably write a review of the movie when it comes out.