Monday, September 15, 2014


 Hi again. This time I am going to write about teens since I recently became one on the 6th of August. Firstly, there's this common misconception that as soon as a child becomes a teenager, he/she starts acting ''melodramatic'' and becomes "tough to deal with". I don't believe that this is entirely true because often wanting freedom is confused with rebelling... in a way. We get a mind of our own and may wan't reason for things we earlier just accepted and also sometimes not accept them anymore if we don't find them logical. This is also known as "tough to deal with" because we don't always listen and blindly follow. We might make a big thing out of something adults think is small because we have different priorities and we might take lightly what people think should be taken seriously. In this case, instead of correcting our priorities- which I admit can be wrong, we are called 'melodramatic'. So to all parents and teens of the world, this is a dictionary/guide to common phrases and what they actually mean or what they actually imply.(it is as a joke)
tough to deal with- not taking things for granted
melodramatic- having different priorities
rebelling- wanting freedom
moody- expressing feelings
arrogant- answering back to a question
rude- being straightforward
Secondly, even being "tough to deal with" and melodramatic does not happen overnight. So you won't wake up on the day of your 13th b-day and suddenly want freedom. Thirdly, this has nothing to do with the word 'teen'.It can happen from 15-18 or from 12-14. It is only to be expected, as we are changing from kids to adults in this time. It just happens to be that these specific years are mostly numbers with a -teen suffix. So if I am constantly told 'Now you are a teenager', I will be seriously bugged cause that word actually has nothing to do with me becoming an adult from a child. I would love to hear about the opinions of other teenagers on this point as I can actually only give my perspective. BTW, there is a G+ page I think called teenager posts. So here are some of the teenager posts:

Now isn't everyone :) :)

 How come only mothers can do that ???

 Language changes to gibberish btw!

 So totally relatable!

 It happens to everyone- That's life for you!
Not my fault my friends steal my stuff!
You can check more out on their G+ page.
I hope you liked this post and parents- take it as advice, "teens"- I hope you can relate and let my know your opinions on these matters.

Yours awesomely,
P.S. Smitz is what all my friends call me.
P.P.S. My school friends, I mean.
P.P.P.S. I know that my last post was a little haywire- will take feedback.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What's going on...

Hi! This is an essay I wrote for a school assignment on the topic of torrential rain:

Rain through a car window

     When I opened my car’s window to feel the rain, the first thing that hit me was the strong smell of rainwater. Although I felt excited by the rain, I was hit by an icy blast of cold air. I could feel the raindrops on my arm. I could taste the salt in the rain. Shop owners were packing up their displays and the sun was setting making the already grey, cloudy sky darker. The road glistened with raindrops and I could hear the pitter-patter of the rain all around me. In the distance, I could see lightning and hear thunder. The overall atmosphere was dull though stormy. As I was stuck in a traffic jam, I could hear cars honking all around me due to water logging on the roads. The smell of pollution from the cars was terrible.
     I felt grateful that I was in a car and not walking through this rain. I could see pedestrians scurrying for shelter with umbrellas over their heads. The rain was cascading down like a waterfall and the pitter-patter sounded more like bullets. The storm raged on as it became more like a cloudburst. The streets were flooding up and trees swaying like something had hit them. Shop fronts had ‘closed’ signs on them and most pedestrians were stranded. The honking of the cars sounded like an orchestra gone horribly out of tune. I no longer felt drops of rain on my hand, it seemed as if someone had turned on a tap.

     The lightning lit up the whole sky like a display and thunder sounded more like cannon shots. If I closed my eyes and listened carefully, it sounded almost like I was in the middle of a “science-fiction-end-of-the-world” movie. The atmosphere was changing from gloomy to thunderous and thrilling. I could taste the dampness in the air. I was hoping the rain would stop soon when all of a sudden our car’s engine stopped whirring. GREAT!

I hope you liked it as it is probably the best descriptive essay I have ever written and I got a 19 on 20 for it. Earlier, a while ago my best family friend had come to visit from Dubai- here's a pic of my parents with hers:

This year April my family and I shifted into our new house and one or two weekends back we had a house warming party which was majorly overdue! It was fun- sort of...

I recently finished reading Insurgent which is the 2nd book in the Divergent trilogy. Now I am waiting for my mom to finish the second book 'cause then she will start the 3rd one and tell me if it is appropriate for me to read (which by the way I am sure it will be), just like she did for the 2nd one- and all because she heard from one of her friends that it is inappropriate.Whatever.

 Even though I am blogging this very late, on the 15th August and Janmashtmi long weekend, we went to Orrisa with some friends. First we went to Bhubhaneshwar and then to a nearby beach place called Puri. In Bhubhaneshwar my parents went to see a temple while I watched Houseful in the hotel! It was a good resort with loads of fun stuff. In Puri we went to the beach and pool.
This is a picture of me with my sister (right) and my friend (left).

This is temple we saw on our way driving from Bhubhaneshwar to Puri- the famous Sun temple in Konark. We got a guide who explained the whole philosophy in a lot of detail but I won't bore you with that!