Monday, September 15, 2014


 Hi again. This time I am going to write about teens since I recently became one on the 6th of August. Firstly, there's this common misconception that as soon as a child becomes a teenager, he/she starts acting ''melodramatic'' and becomes "tough to deal with". I don't believe that this is entirely true because often wanting freedom is confused with rebelling... in a way. We get a mind of our own and may wan't reason for things we earlier just accepted and also sometimes not accept them anymore if we don't find them logical. This is also known as "tough to deal with" because we don't always listen and blindly follow. We might make a big thing out of something adults think is small because we have different priorities and we might take lightly what people think should be taken seriously. In this case, instead of correcting our priorities- which I admit can be wrong, we are called 'melodramatic'. So to all parents and teens of the world, this is a dictionary/guide to common phrases and what they actually mean or what they actually imply.(it is as a joke)
tough to deal with- not taking things for granted
melodramatic- having different priorities
rebelling- wanting freedom
moody- expressing feelings
arrogant- answering back to a question
rude- being straightforward
Secondly, even being "tough to deal with" and melodramatic does not happen overnight. So you won't wake up on the day of your 13th b-day and suddenly want freedom. Thirdly, this has nothing to do with the word 'teen'.It can happen from 15-18 or from 12-14. It is only to be expected, as we are changing from kids to adults in this time. It just happens to be that these specific years are mostly numbers with a -teen suffix. So if I am constantly told 'Now you are a teenager', I will be seriously bugged cause that word actually has nothing to do with me becoming an adult from a child. I would love to hear about the opinions of other teenagers on this point as I can actually only give my perspective. BTW, there is a G+ page I think called teenager posts. So here are some of the teenager posts:

Now isn't everyone :) :)

 How come only mothers can do that ???

 Language changes to gibberish btw!

 So totally relatable!

 It happens to everyone- That's life for you!
Not my fault my friends steal my stuff!
You can check more out on their G+ page.
I hope you liked this post and parents- take it as advice, "teens"- I hope you can relate and let my know your opinions on these matters.

Yours awesomely,
P.S. Smitz is what all my friends call me.
P.P.S. My school friends, I mean.
P.P.P.S. I know that my last post was a little haywire- will take feedback.

1 comment:

  1. This post is certainly meant for me and for all other teenage parents. Thanks Smiti. Now I know that when you are arrogant and rude, you are only answering back my question in a straight forward manner. I am sure to refer to this post many times in future when dealing with teenage tantrums.
