Thursday, August 7, 2014

My birthday and other things...

Hey! Yesterday was my birthday and one of the best days of my life. I had told my parents to surprise me as I had already celebrated with my friends on the 2nd. When I came back from school, my mom told me that she had arranged for a baking session for me with a friend of mine and her mom who bakes amazingly. It was amazing and  we made a carrot cake and a banana cake, we later iced the carrot one for my birthday. When I came back, my mom handed me a package from amazon and said it was a surprise. I could feel it was hard and from the size, thought it might be a book or something but when I opened it, it was a............. kindle paperwhite. I have been exploring my kindle and have already downloaded 5-6 free books including ''The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes''. I also think the power-saving display when you switch the kindle off is really cool. Of course, it'll take time time getting adjusted to reading on a kindle versus a physical book but I'll get used to it I'm sure.

I was totally not expecting that. It really was all I could ask for since I love baking and reading. But then... In the evening, we decided to go to Cyber hub for dinner and were recommended Hard Rock cafe as a good place for a 13th birthday celebration. The ambiance there is amazing with signed guitars etc. hung up all over and I really cant describe it- you'll have to see it for yourself. It is just the type of place young people and teenagers of the 21st century would  love going to. Any way, it was karaoke night so I sang a song on the karaoke (Set fire to the rain) and there were plenty of volunteers. The karaoke lyrics were being displayed on a large screen and the music was loud English music- latest songs. It was amazing. They have this tradition if it is someone's birthday- they dunk your face on a plate of whipped cream! So first I was told to stand on my chair and close my eyes and try and eat the cream with my sister guiding me (wrongly I think) and then suddenly I found cream all over my face! It was a lot of fun though equally crazy at the same time. As I've already said- one of the best days if my life.

Then today in school, we did community service- 8 A of The Shri Ram school Aravali, Gurgaon. A group of 30 4th-5th grade students came from a school in Mewat and we got to interact with them. First we had lunch with them and then we did some clay modelling with them and it was mutual fun unlike what I had earlier anticipated. Some of them were quite talented. They were quite shy though, especially the girls, but then it is to be expected because they are younger and from a different community. However, as the afternoon progressed, both them and we opened up more. Overall a great learning experience!


  1. Great going Smiti - nice article. So happy that finally we could surprise you and that too on your 13th!

  2. I liked the face dunking bit. Will be extra careful of I go to Hard Rock on my birthday. Which song did you sing there? Happy Birthday, have a great year ahead!

    1. I sang Set fire to the rain- Adele
